Welcome to the Mindscreen blog – we help you know and develop your child’s self-worth
Covid divide
Covid divide - gaining momentum Have you noticed the rapidly developing Covid divide? Pro jab versus no jab. Peoples’ beliefs are becoming entrenched, friendships are being tested, and segregation is growing. I’m not advocating for or against the jab. I am simply...
How failures can support growth in children’s confidence
Growing children's confidence. Building children’s confidence is about helping them to understand themselves, their skills, strengths, and talents. It’s about helping them to realise what they are good at, and it’s about building up their self-esteem and self-belief....
Are You Worried About Your Children’s Emotional & Mental Wellbeing?
Safeguarding children's emotional and mental wellbeing. You’re not alone. Many parents and carers are experiencing the same unsettling feelings. School leaders are also concerned because they have witnessed changes in children’s mental wellbeing. A recent schools...
Why the SENCo is so vital – especially now
Respect for all teachers – especially SEND teachers & Learning Support staff. If we are to realise one thing from the COVID pandemic it should be this: the invaluable role that all teachers play in helping to positively shape our children’s state-of-mind. Many...
Recovery Curriculum – Revitalising Children’s Confidence & Resilience
Why is a recovery curriculum necessary? There has been a sea of anxiety and uncertainty washing over us all throughout the past 12 months. No one is immune to the effects lockdown has had on our psyche. It’s been an emotionally unsettling time and the real...
What if ADHD was a gift?
Which is better? How would you regard a child diagnosed with ADHD if their characteristics were considered a talent rather than a deficit and a disorder? Most of us function well within society, but it appears that those on the edge of normality are very quickly...
Lockdown – what’s happening to us?
Lockdown - what's happening to parents & carers? Recent research published 19.01.2021, from the University of Oxford reveals what parents already knew - that their stress and anxiety levels have risen during the lockdown. Participating parents and carers reported...
How children were affected by the first national lockdown
First national lockdown - Ofsted report. During the autumn term, Ofsted carried out a series of ‘interim visits’ to schools and recently published the following document. COVID-19 series: briefing on schools October 2020. It details the many issues school leaders and...
How to positively influence children’s well-being
Nurturing healthier, happier, more purposeful children.Protecting children from destructive influences is more challenging today than ever before. Information, good, bad, true or false, is constantly bombarding them. They are being consciously and subconsciously...
Protecting children from negativity
Here we go again!The carpet of predictability and stability in our lives has been pulled out from under us once more. Things seemed to be getting back to “normal” during the summer. But it feels to me as though certainty is disappearing fast and everything is up in...