Change or wither slowly!

Change or wither slowly! Is change scary or liberating?  Both in my experience, but that is not all. Thoughts of change can paralyse us or mobilise us!  Paralysis is sitting on the fence, feeling unable to move. We think about what could happen when stepping off in...

Neurodiversity – widening horizons

Neurodiversity – widening horizons Acceptance is a vital first step on the neurodiversity agenda!  Neurodiversity is partly about recognising that people differ and people matter. It is a word used to describe the different thinking styles that influence how...

Who am I?

Who am I? Self-reflection – the key to answering the “who am I” question.   Answering the “who am I” question requires each of us to take a deeper look at ourselves.  However, we are complex. Our whole being is made up of our interactions and...

5 steps to overcoming setbacks in life

5 steps to overcoming setbacks in life Overcoming setbacks is vital for happiness.  I thought life would all be plane sailing, but I was wrong! I know now that setbacks are a part of life for almost everyone. I also realise that setbacks come in many forms and often...

Improving communication with anyone

Improving communication with anyone Improving communication – what’s in it for me?  Better relationships and less conflict. In other words, improving communication gives you the ability to get on with more people. Our children, wider family, friends, work...

Hope – the neglected emotion

Hope – the neglected emotion Hope is essential to fulfillment in life.  However, it appears that Hope is underrated and overlooked by the experts. There is disagreement regarding which emotions should and should not be on the primary list. Professionals also...