Neurodiversity – widening horizons
Acceptance is a vital first step on the neurodiversity agenda!
Neurodiversity is partly about recognising that people differ and people matter.
It is a word used to describe the different thinking styles that influence how people interact with others and the world around them.
- The challenge we all have is that we see things from our point of view. In other words, we view the world through our own lens.
- We make judgements about what is right or wrong, good or bad based on our opinions and personal experiences.
For example, we meet someone who behaves in a way that we perceive to be inappropriate, resulting in us making a judgement about their behaviour or character. It could be as simple as they are too loud or too flashy. Minor elements that we disapprove of. On the other hand, it could be something more disapproving, more encompassing. For example, someone who prefers an orderly life might perceive reckless, defiant, or unruly behaviours as offensive, causing graver judgements and greater dislike.
These judgements (big or small) occur all the time. We cannot help it! Therefore, the first step toward accepting the differences in others is to learn to judge less!
Minimising judgement = embracing neurodiversity.
One way to become less judgemental is to accept that no one is perfect.
Recognising that “our way” is not the only way is another step in the right direction. Understanding that we all have different strengths and talents is a great help too.
Therefore, accepting and appreciating the differences are vital first steps toward embracing neurodiversity.
Neurodiversity is for everyone!
Sometimes we do not understand others. Sometimes others do not understand us. These situations often result in miscommunication and lost opportunity. They can even lead to conflict.
But what if we consider the idea that we are all neurodiverse?
Entertaining this line of thinking opens us up to the thought that neurodiversity could be described in degrees. Understanding this would be a huge advantage because we would begin to learn what norms and, most importantly, what extremes look like.
In other words, we could measure neurodiversity along a scale!
Imagine if we adopted this line of thinking globally!
- The impact would be very positive indeed, less judgement, greater understanding, and improved relationships, to mention just a few.
In time we could eradicate the current practice of labelling children with a disorder in favour of a more inclusive and supportive language.
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Find out with our free 5-minute check
(For teacher and parent use)
Helping Children Flourish
Gav Devereux
Author bio
Being diagnosed with dyslexia, labelled remedial, and regularly told that I was a “stupid boy” affected my self-esteem.
Worse still, I carried low self-worth into my adult life. Yet, later, when I learned how to challenge my destructive mindset, I began to feel happier.
I thought, if I can change my way of thinking, anyone can!
And so, in 1996 I founded Mindscreen and began developing resources to help children to believe in themselves and go after their dreams.
That’s how the Mindscreen experience® came into being. I hope it helps your children as much as it has helped me!