Pupil wellbeing resources.
Pupil wellbeing resources are in demand.
Educational leaders are searching for pupil wellbeing resources because they have noticed that the pandemic has caused pupils to lose out emotionally as well as academically.
An example is Barking Abbey School where Headteacher, Tony Roe, comments:
“A lot of the focus in schools is on measuring academic progress, and throughout the pandemic, there has quite rightly been a lot of talk about lost academic learning. However, we have also seen a huge loss in pupils’ self-esteem, confidence and their ability to deal with change and be resilient.”
Discover what Lauren Casey, Longbridge Campus SENCO, Barking Abbey School says: Go to the Press Release.
Self-esteem is fragile, especially in childhood
With the right guidance, children can flourish into confident adults with great optimism for their future. Yet, often, children are subject to negative patterns, hurtful incidents, and unhealthy routines.
Each of these circumstances can pose an opportunity to build resilience. However, children can struggle to maintain a positive mindset without reassurance and support. This can result in destructive thoughts and behaviours that are difficult to change as each child grows older.
I know this because I have experienced it for myself.
I’m Gav Devereux, the founder of Mindscreen. Growing up with dyslexia, I endured many challenges throughout my education. Worse still, I failed to develop my self-confidence, partly because the personalised support I desperately needed wasn’t available back then. As a result, I carried low self-worth into my adult life. Yet, later, when I challenged my destructive mindset, I began to feel happier, healthier and more fulfilled.
If only I had known how to do this sooner!
Gav says: “Everything I’ve learned from my journey is rooted in the Mindscreen experience®. Above all, our programme helps children to unlock their potential through building their self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-belief. I hope it helps your children as much as it has helped me!”
What makes us proud of our pupil wellbeing resources
Over the years, we’ve helped hundreds of young people believe in themselves and go after their dreams.
Some of them are still in contact with us today!
It’s so fulfilling to get their calls or messages and realise that they wanted to share their achievements with us. Knowing you have positively impacted another person’s life is truly satisfying.
The thing is, we would like to help many more young people, that’s why we’re partnering with schools.
Together we can achieve much more!
Building long-term school partnerships is the way forward. Together we can help many more young people believe in themselves and develop a brighter outlook on life.
We realise that helping young people to develop a positive mindset is no small task, especially with so many destructive influences surrounding them today. We also acknowledge that it takes time to accomplish. However, we believe we must contribute, because if we don’t, we become accomplices in the continued rise in low self-esteem in children.
At Mindscreen, we assess children individually to understand their emotional wants and needs, motivators, and other personality traits. We then tailor each child’s profile and equip you with powerful and practical resources that allow you to focus your support on their needs.
Mindscreen is truly uplifting for children of all abilities and personalities. We’d love for you to experience it too.
You may also like this post: How failures can support growth in children’s confidence.
Is Low Self-Esteem Affecting Your Child's Potential?
Find out with our free 5-minute check
(For teacher and parent use)
Helping Children Flourish
Gav Devereux
Author bio
Being diagnosed with dyslexia, labelled remedial, and regularly told that I was a “stupid boy” affected my self-esteem.
Worse still, I carried low self-worth into my adult life. Yet, later, when I learned how to challenge my destructive mindset, I began to feel happier.
I thought, if I can change my way of thinking, anyone can!
And so, in 1996 I founded Mindscreen and began developing resources to help children to believe in themselves and go after their dreams.
That’s how the Mindscreen experience® came into being. I hope it helps your children as much as it has helped me!