Gaining confidence – there is no magic pill!
Building confidence requires effort.
Learning anything takes time. There are no shortcuts or magic pills. Gaining confidence is no exception. We all need to do the work.
For example, none of us suddenly learned how to read, write, or count. We developed our knowledge and understanding in stages over time.
Helping children gain confidence and self-belief is no different. It takes time.
- They need a strong foundation of knowledge first because it’s impossible to build a structure on quicksand.
Once done, we can help them put the blocks in place and rise up.
- Every subject is the same. Learning the basics and creating a foundation of understanding always comes first.
For example, we don’t expect our children to suddenly know everything after only a few lessons from the math teacher.
On the contrary, we accept that they will need to study for years to become knowledgeable.
Gaining confidence is more challenging than learning some subjects!
Many subjects have constants. For example, 1 + 1 always = 2!
In contrast to subjects with constants, there is a second element vital to grasp when learning about confidence.
- Confidence is not constant!
Sometimes we feel upbeat and sometimes we feel low. These feelings apply to us all, all of the time! We can even feel less confident about something we were sure of before.
This means that children not only need to learn the basic principles. They also need to know how to catch destructive thoughts and feelings fast before they undermine their confidence.
What is confidence?
It’s called self-confidence for a reason because it comes from within!
- It manifests itself in the form of feelings and is often accompanied by an internal voice.
It is repeated thoughts and emotions that generate an attitude about something. Negative or positive.
Why is gaining confidence so important?
Because confidence gives us a can-do attitude and helps us achieve in all aspects of life.
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(For teacher and parent use)
Helping Children Flourish
Gav Devereux
Author bio
Being diagnosed with dyslexia, labelled remedial, and regularly told that I was a “stupid boy” affected my self-esteem.
Worse still, I carried low self-worth into my adult life. Yet, later, when I learned how to challenge my destructive mindset, I began to feel happier.
I thought, if I can change my way of thinking, anyone can!
And so, in 1996 I founded Mindscreen and began developing resources to help children to believe in themselves and go after their dreams.
That’s how the Mindscreen experience® came into being. I hope it helps your children as much as it has helped me!